The Science Behind Alcoholism

1 min read · 1 sections

Drinking is a socially acceptable activity in which to partake. A beer with friends while watching a game. An occasional glass of wine with dinner and loved ones. Rubbing elbows with colleagues or business associates at “Happy Hour.” Scenarios that are legal and acceptable, contingent there’s no underage drinking. However, an individual facing alcoholism, or an alcohol use disorder, who may be struggling to remain sober, may find one or each circumstance overwhelming or even triggering.

Joy Sutton, host of American Addiction Centers’ (AAC’s) talk show, Addiction Talk, interviewed Scientist and Influential Podcaster Gill Tietz! Gill’s podcast, Sober Powered, is not only a global success, but it has been featured in People, NPR, Parents, WebMD, Kaiser Health News, and more.

Gill speaks openly about her experience with alcoholism while coming from a place of humility, empowerment, and authenticity about her path to recovery.

So, be sure to watch this Addiction Talk episode entitled: “When the Chemicals React: ‘Sober Powered’ by Science.”

And if you’re struggling with alcohol use disorder, resources are available. As a nationwide leader in addiction treatment, AAC provides medical detox, outpatient and inpatient care, as well as aftercare planning. Please reach out to get the help that you need.


Alcoholism & Adulthood

“The moment that I realized that alcohol was a problem was when I noticed that my tolerance increased. It was two years intoUpset woman sits on top of stairs with alcohol bottle in hand, battling alcoholism. my drinking—and I was a teacher at the time—so, I was drinking every day to cope with the stress of teaching,” admits Gill Tietz.

Alcohol use disorder hinders an individual’s ability to control or stop their alcohol use. This is regardless of negative health, social, or even occupational repercussions.

Sometimes, as in the case with Gill, she didn’t realize at first that she was drinking to the point where it was a problem.

The Sober Powered Podcaster candidly shared, “I would drink these things that I would call “cosmos.” And they were like a pint glass, and it was almost all vodka—like almost the whole drink was almost all vodka. And about halfway through the school year, I started drinking two of them and then I would get very drunk every night. And I realized one night, this is a lot of alcohol. Like you are consuming a ton of alcohol every day. And that was the moment that I realized it.”

Alcohol statistics:

  • In 2020, 44.4% of 138.5 million individuals who were current alcohol users were classified as binge drinkers.
  • Roughly 14.5 million individuals aged 12 and older struggled with an alcohol use disorder, according to a 2019 National Survey on Drug Use and Health.
  • Individuals risk cancer, alcoholic hepatitis, liver cirrhosis, or stroke with excessive alcohol consumption.

Gill Tietz experienced the dangers of alcohol that many have. She initially thought drinking would help her to “fit in with everyone.” Growing up, she observed her parents using alcohol in order to cope with an unhappy marriage. And she then used alcohol at age 22 to cope with her own childhood trauma from years prior.

But after realizing she had a problem and working through that process, she not only walked along her path to recovery, but she’s giving back to help others.

To learn more about Gill Tietz and her journey towards sobriety, please watch this episode of Addiction Talk. And if you find yourself battling with alcohol misuse, please reach out for the help that you need today.


*Some of the wording from the interview was edited for clarity.

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