Priscilla Henson, MD


Dr. Priscilla Henson is a Resident Physician specializing in Emergency Medicine at a community hospital in central California. She also serves as a member of the Pain Management Quality Improvement Committee through the same hospital. Part of the committee’s mandate is to work toward non-narcotic pain management alternatives. Dr. Henson believes strongly in this work as many patients with addictions were first introduced to narcotics via prescriptions from their physician to treat pain. As such, Dr. Henson has dedicated herself to exploring other avenues of treatment that may have less damaging consequences for her patients.

Her work in the Emergency Department has exposed Dr. Henson to many patients suffering from drug and alcohol addiction. She sees a wide range of issues stemming from addiction including chronic health conditions exacerbated by drug and alcohol use, acute intoxication, overdose, serious injuries sustained while intoxicated, and patients with symptoms of withdrawal. This experience has brought Dr. Henson’s attention on the importance of the treatment of addiction as a disease.

When she has free time, Dr. Henson enjoys reading, cooking, hiking, and spending time with her family and pets.


  • Bachelors of Science, Biochemistry from the University of Nevada, Reno
  • Bachelors of Arts, Spanish Literature from the University of Nevada, Reno
  • Doctor of Medicine from the University of Nevada School of Medicine
  • Resident Physician, Emergency Medicine


  • Emergency Medicine Resident’s Association
  • American College of Emergency Physicians
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