November 12, 2019

AAC Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Lawrence Weinstein, was featured in an article in parents magazine on benzodiazepines, their rise in popularity among teenagers and their ease of access.

Benzodiazepines are one of the most commonly prescribed classes of drugs, and are gaining popularity among teenagers. They are purchasing the drugs from friends and using social networks to contact suppliers. If those avenues prove to be unsuccessful, Dr. Weinstein points out that, “surprisingly, these drugs can also be legally purchased online.”

Often, benzodiazepines are used in conjunction with other substances such as alcohol and opioids as they can alter the effects of other drugs, and prolonged use can create a physical and psychological dependency.

Because accessibility to benzodiazepines is becoming a relatively simple occurrence and it may be difficult to monitor teen access, the article gives parents some signs to look out for that indicate dependence.

To read the entire article, visit Parents Magazine.