October 5, 2018

American Addiction Centers (NYSE: AAC) hosted a a special event on Wednesday, October 3, at the New York Stock Exchange to educate tri-state area clinicians on the importance of diagnostic testing in addiction treatment and its impact on patient outcomes. The speakers included CEO Michael Cartwright, National Medical Director for Clinical Diagnostics Dr. Mark Calarco and Chief Clinical and Compliance Officer Dr. Tom Doub.

The event, titled “Diagnostic Testing Leads to Better Outcomes,” was attended by more than 50 doctors, therapists, psychiatrists and addiction treatment professionals. After an introduction by Cartwright, Dr. Calarco delved into the importance and benefits of pharmacogenetics, the testing of patients’ genetic information that gives clinicians insight into drug responses and drug efficacy. Addiction Labs, AAC’s premium toxicology lab, specializes in pharmacogenetics and can provide genetic reports specific enough to determine the best medication for each patient giving them an even greater chance at achieving recovery. The implementation of this testing, he stated, will only further serve the patient as a whole.

“To treat addiction, we have to treat the whole patient – the mind and the body,” said Dr. Calarco. “The body is affected by the mind and the mind is affected by the body. A holistic approach is needed.”

Next, Dr. Doub discussed AAC’s outcome study. Data for the study, completed over the course of three years, was gathered at intake to treatment, discharge, two months, six months and one year post treatment. Results indicated a series of benefits including better familial relationships, improved mental health and showed that 63% of patients surveyed were abstinent from all substances at one year, exceeding national benchmarks.

“The study clearly illustrates that treatment is effective,” said Dr. Doub. “AAC’s treatment approach has enhanced patients’ quality of life and given them a great start on their road to recovery. As part of our ongoing commitment to excellence, we are using this data to improve our services and revolutionize the treatment of addiction.”

AAC is in the planning stages of the next phase of patient outcome research and continue to advocate for regulation in the industry.

This is AAC’s first educational training event held at the New York Stock Exchange with additional presentations planned in the future.

“This is why we went public,” said Cartwright, “to have the resources to invest in research, develop new, cutting-edge advancements, like diagnostic testing, and to provide those struggling with addiction with the best outcome possible.”