March 25, 2021

AAC’s Facebook Live show “Addiction Talk” was featured in People Magazine covering the March 24th interview with Ben Higgins, season 20 star of ABC’s The Bachelor.

In the episode, Higgins opened up about his previous addiction to prescription pain medication, which began in his teens after suffering a knee injury that ended his hopes for a future career in sports.

Much of his addiction took place in college where he noticed that his problem with opioids was similar to that of his friends. At the time, his use was not an issue to be brought up or become worried about.

Over time, the secrecy, depression and anxiety about where he’d find the next pill led him to the realization that he may have had a problem, but it was stealing medication from his grandfather that made him confront the issue.

Visit American Addiction Centers’ Facebook page to see Ben’s entire episode of “Addiction Talk” episode and for more coverage.