October 3, 2021

AAC’s Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Lawrence Weinstein, was recently featured in a Healthline article that highlights the rise and success of “virtual rehab.”

Undoubtedly, the pandemic has shifted just about all aspects of life and addiction treatment was not spared. As a result, telemedicine, which has been typically used by physicians and patients for non-urgent medical conditions, is now an effective tool aiding the treatment of addiction.

“Treatment in a virtual manner, as expected when factors of time and distance are eliminated, increases the reach and availability of addiction services to those who may face challenges in accessing them – like those who reside in rural areas, which have increasing rates of methamphetamine, opioid, and alcohol addiction,” said Dr. Weinstein.

The demand for virtual treatment programs has grown tremendously as we head into the second year of the pandemic, and fortunately, telehealth has filled a gap when it comes to addiction treatment.

“Research on telehealth use conducted during the pandemic showed that there was a 1,400% increase in substance use care in telehealth,” Dr. Weinstein added.

To read the rest of this article on the efficacy of “virtual rehab,” visit Healthline.