December 17, 2019

Laguna Treatment Center’s Admissions Coordinator, Tanya Brown, has endured extremely difficult situations in life as well as addiction within her family. Because the holiday season may not be joyous for everyone, Brown has penned an op-ed listing tips on how to navigate the season with addiction in the family, whether an individual is in recovery or has a loved one suffering with the disease. Based on her years as an advocate for domestic violence, addiction and suicide awareness, a few of the suggestions she offers include:

  • Making sobriety a top priority. This takes a lot of courage, but make it clear to family members that sobriety is your new normal and it is non-negotiable.
  • Nurture yourself. Make it a point – actually schedule it into your day – to do one thing that calms your soul and makes your heart smile.
  • Pay attention to the positive. Look at the positives in your life so you don’t get sucked up into the tornado of negative emotions. Stop, breathe and find the positive.
  • With a loved one who is in recovery, you can go to a support group with them. Learning more about addiction and what they may be going through helps you to understand the challenges they may be facing and empathize with their needs.
  • Also, be on the lookout for signs of trouble. Nonverbal communication can tell you a lot about how someone is feeling. Do they seem agitated or irritated? Ask them: “Are you OK? You seem edgy, can we talk?”

To read the rest of Tanya’s op-ed, visit PsychCentral.