June 5, 2019


Dr. Paul Little, medical director at Laguna Treatment Center, penned a piece that was featured in the military publication Stars and Stripes. The focus of his piece was substance abuse and mental health among veterans.

“The data on the state of veteran mental health and substance abuse in America is daunting. Studies suggest only half of returning service members who need treatment for their mental health actually seek care,” said Dr. Little. “Substance use continues to be a growing concern among both enlisted and retired members of the armed forces. But there is hope.”

Dr. Little has been in recovery for more than 19 years and has devoted a significant amount of his career focused on treating the disease of addiction among veterans. He has since worked with hundreds of veterans dealing with substance use disorder and addiction and has encouraged others to step forward, put pride aside and admit they need help.

The rest of Dr. Little’s piece can be read at Stars and Stripes.