November 27, 2017


Dr. Lawrence Tucker, medical director of Laguna Treatment Center, spoke to the Baltimore Sun about recent research conducted on the drug pregablin and its effectiveness in treating alcoholism and PTSD.

The University of Maryland School of Medicine is launching a five-year study on the drug in hopes that those suffering with PTSD and alcoholism have a new avenue of treatment. Often, the two are treated independently, but patients rarely have just one condition.

Dr. Tucker currently uses medications related to pregablin on patients with dual diagnoses at Laguna Treatment Center.

“Someone can get 30 or 60 or 90 days of treatment, but if the root of evil isn’t addressed, if you don’t address the PTSD, guess what happens? They relapse,” said Tucker. “People need to learn how to be sober.”

To read the entire piece about the research being conducted, visit