American Addiction Centers

Recovery Inspiration

Sometimes, the right words can swell us with the inspiration and strength we need. Inspiration and strength are vital ingredients for anyone who’s considering sobriety, and taking the journey through recovery.

American Addiction Centers has curated a few inspirational pieces from various mediums, not just the written word. Watch, listen, and read your way through the content below. We hope you can pull value from the stories we’ve shared, and encourage you to explore our vast library of resources further.

Far From Finished: Podcasts

Road to Recovery

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[callout]This docu-series features Dominic Grefsrud whose drug use began at the age of 14. By the time he reached adulthood, meth and other drugs had taken over his life. He eventually resorted to selling drugs to support his habit, which landed him in prison but didn’t stop his cycle of drug abuse. Today, he has nearly four years in recovery after receiving treatment at Desert Hope Treatment Center, an American Addiction Centers’ facility in Las Vegas.[/callout]


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[button-color color="dark-blue" link="" width='300px']Stages Of Recovery[/button-color]

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[button-color color="orange" link="" width='300px']Virtual Support Meetings[/button-color]

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