10 Ways to Recognize Substance Abuse

1 min read · 2 sections

There are ways to recognize substance abuse. Those who are suffering from a substance use disorder may not admit to their own addiction or may not even be aware that they have one to begin with. Couple this with a co-occurring mental health disorder, and they can feel overwhelmed by their life experience.

At American Addiction Centers (AAC), the nationwide leader in addiction treatment, we treat alcohol use disorders, substance use disorders, and co-occurring mental health disorders in a safe and supportive environment with licensed physicians. If you find yourself struggling with an addiction, please reach out to get the help that you need today.


Questions About Substance Abuse

Whether you’re suspecting that you’re battling a substance use disorder or if it’s your concern for a loved one or a friend who is, there are questions you can ask yourself that can help guide you towards some answers.

  • Do they attempt to stop using the drug, but can’t?
  • Do they crave the drug?
  • If they’re abusing a prescription drug, are they taking the drug for a lengthier time than intended or consuming larger amounts?
  • Do they struggle with time management between their job, school, and home life– specifically becausewoman struggling to deal with substance abuse. their drug use?
  • Do they use drugs, despite putting their lives in danger because of it?
  • Do they continue to use, despite knowing that it’s impacting their physical and mental health?
  • Have they developed withdrawal symptoms, which can be remedied by taking more of the drug?
  • Do they still continue to consume the drug, even if it has a negative impact on their relationships?
  • Do they consume a lot of their time seeking out the drug, using it, and recovering from it?
  • Have they given up recreational or social activities due to their drug use?

Answering yes to some or all of the above questions is a solid starting point to indicate that an individual may be struggling with a substance abuse problem. Nevertheless, it’s important to consult a licensed physician in order to receive an accurate assessment and diagnosis.

Ongoing drug use modifies the part of the brain that gives an individual self-control, which is the reason that quitting, especially without help, can be such a challenge. So, what can be done if there is a problem?

What to do if You Suspect You or a Loved One May be Addicted

There are steps to take in order to encourage a loved one to reach out for help. Pointing them towards An older gentleman speaking to a younger gentleman about seeking help for substance abuse.resources, therapists, counselors, and information will help them to know they aren’t alone and will open up options that they might’ve not considered.

Regardless of how much you love someone and want to see what’s best for them, you can’t force them into treatment against their will. Instead, be there for them without enabling them and with keeping your own personal boundaries intact.

If you or a loved one is struggling with an addiction, you’re not alone. There are resources here to help you to achieve long-term sobriety and to live a productive life. Please reach out to get the guidance that you need to make safe and healthy choices.

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