Medically Complex Cases

2 min read · 2 sections

Life and death decisions shouldn’t be met with doors closed in your face. Yet, for some who battle the disease of addiction, it happens, such as in cases complicated by concurrent medical conditions, which can create additional roadblocks to recovery. Sometimes, not every door to recovery is the right door. But how do you know which one to open, along a seemingly endless hallway of options?

For those who struggle with addiction, finding not just any recovery program, but the right recovery and treatment program, is key to their long-term success. Finding a recovery program that meets the unique, individual needs of a person is not as easy as it sounds. Many programs operate under strict regulations and “red tape” due in part to what they are equipped to manage medically.

AAC is Equipped for Medical Complexities

doctor helping patient

At American Addiction Centers (AAC), our facilities offer a complete spectrum of care for patients experiencing a range of medical conditions. Through our highly qualified medical directors, skilled nurse practitioners, trained physicians, and excellent clinicians, we are able to offer treatment to clients facing certain medical issues and co-occurring disorders in addition to substance abuse and addiction. Though each case is unique, some medical issues that we may be able to manage during your treatment include:

  • Heart conditions
  • Lung conditions
  • Liver conditions
  • Pregnancy
  • Epilepsy
  • Diabetes
  • Recent surgeries
  • Anorexia/bulimia/eating disorders
  • And more, pending review of medical records.

AAC takes a “case-by-case” approach when determining whether or not a client is a good fit for one of our facilities. In many instances, when other facilities have to say “no,” we at AAC are able to take a look at your exact medical situation and say “YES! And here is how everyone involved can make this work!”

AAC welcomes each new patient by taking an in-depth assessment of their current medical condition through an intake conversation with one of our Admissions Navigators. This intake assessment allows us to identify any complex medical conditions that require specialized care and ensure that patients are placed in the facility that is best equipped to meet those unique needs.

Connecting Patients to Professionals

If a patient has other healthcare needs in addition to addiction we also have the ability to partner with outside medical teams to ensure that patients receive the best treatment during recovery. Some additional information—obtained through medical records or family engagement—may be may be important for comprehensive treatment planning. Our team will act as a conduit of resources, directing you to the right stops and keeping the process going, safely matching client to the best levels of care.

For clients facing acute and/or co-occurring complex medical concerns, it’s our goal to partner with you every step of the way. In some cases, it’s about just getting the client to a healthy baseline where treatment will be successful for them, partnering with the family and medical provider to bring you in for treatment as soon as safely possible. In other instances, it involves our outside teams, providing resources and creating connections to seamlessly transition you or your loved one from hospital to recovery program, with everyone aware of the game plan.

The Admissions and Medical teams of AAC are passionate about providing resources and connections to manage acute situations, in preparation for curating a successful road to recovery.

If you or a loved one is struggling with addiction but keep hearing “no” to treatment because you have a medically complex condition, give us a call. We’re here 24 hours a day to review your case and see if a partnership of healing with American Addiction Centers may be the best choice to start your journey to your best life.

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