An Analysis of Employer Drug Testing in the US

2 min read · 6 sections

For many employers, a part of the hiring process includes a drug test to ensure their employees are not under the influence of illegal drugs. Additionally, regular drug screenings help ensure that employees are not placing themselves or any of their colleagues at risk by using illicit substances. Many of these companies include this information in their job postings to be transparent with applicants. Our team analyzed job postings on Glassdoor to see what types of jobs are most likely to include requirements for pre-employment drug tests and regular drug screening. The results of our study are below.

How Many Jobs Require Pre-Employment Drug Tests?

Overall, far fewer jobs than you might have previously thought require pre-employment drug tests. In general, the percentage of jobs requiring pre-employment drug tests is lower than 2%. In fact, only one city in America has a percentage of jobs higher than 2.4%. In Arlington, TX, almost 7% of the jobs available require a pre-employment drug screening. New York City had the lowest percentage of jobs in the country requiring a pre-employment drug test.

Which Cities Have the Most Jobs Requiring Pre-Employee Drug Tests?

Washington D.C. had the highest number of jobs that require pre-employment drug testing. Denver, Colorado came in second with over 500 fewer jobs requiring pre-employment testing. Of the top ten cities requiring pre-employment drug tests, 4 of those cities fell in California.

How Many Jobs Require Regular Drug Screening in the United States?

Arlington, TX had the highest percentage of jobs requiring regular screening, and yet that percentage was barely over 2%. On the opposite end of the spectrum, Omaha, NE had absolutely no jobs that required regular drug screening.

Which Cities Have the Most Jobs Requiring Regular Drug Screening?

Far fewer jobs require regular screening on average throughout the U.S. However, Washington D.C. also had the highest number of jobs requiring regular drug screening according to job postings. Again, four of the top ten cities requiring regular drug screening fell in California.

Top Industries Requiring Pre-Employment Drug Testing

Throughout the top 50 metropolitan areas in the US, government positions were the most common jobs to require a pre-employment drug test. Healthcare and hospitals came in second with nearly 1,500 fewer jobs requiring pre-employment drug tests. Manufacturing was third, in spite of the dangerous nature of the job. Throughout the entire US, only 5 administrative jobs require pre-employment drug tests, and only 7 customer service jobs require pre-employment drug tests.

Top Industries Requiring Regular Drug Screening

Healthcare and hospital jobs were the most common to require regular drug screening, followed by transportation and logistics. Meanwhile, customer service and support jobs were the least likely to require regular drug screening.

Applying to jobs is difficult for anyone, but if you are worried about taking a drug test for a new job, our team can help you recover from your addiction and give you resources that will help you prepare to work in a professional environment. If you or a loved one are looking for support during your addiction, you can find help here.

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