Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Atlantic City, NJ
Where Can You Find Addiction Treatment in Atlantic City, NJ?
Many people in New Jersey, including Atlantic City, are living with an addiction to drugs and alcohol. Approximately 6.1% of people living in New Jersey have substance use disorder, while 4.2% of people in the state have alcohol use disorder.1
Fortunately, there is a wide variety of treatment options in and around Atlantic City, New Jersey, with 22 treatment centers within 25 miles of the city.2
There are also other resources helpful in battling addiction in Atlantic City, including:
- Alcoholics Anonymous: Get the support necessary to get sober through online or face-to-face meetings.
- Atlantic County Resources: The county provides valuable help for those living with addiction, including education, detox, rehab, and sober living services.
- Narcotics Anonymous: Join in-person or virtual meetings to talk and get support from others dealing with drug addiction.
You can also use the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services (SAMHSA) treatment locator to find treatment centers close by.
Types of Addiction Treatment in Atlantic City, NJ
Different levels of addiction treatment in Atlantic City, NJ are available for people starting their recovery.
Common levels of addiction treatment in Atlantic City include:
- Medical detox. In some situations, it may be unsafe to attempt to go through the withdrawal process without medical support. Medical detox provides patients with the monitoring and medication (if necessary) to stay as safe and comfortable as possible as the body goes through acute withdrawal.3
- Residential or inpatient care. Short- and long-term residential treatment programs allow patients to receive around-the-clock care. Patients live at the treatment facility, attending daily behavioral therapy sessions, and participating in various activities.4
- Outpatient care. Often less expensive than residential care, outpatient care works similarly to attending therapy or doctor’s appointments. Patients check in with their care provider regularly at appointments and attend group or individual therapies to help them establish and maintain sobriety.4
- Partial hospitalization programs. A partial hospitalization program, or PHP, provides similar care to a residential program while still allowing patients to go home in the evenings. During the day, clients practice skills, engage in therapy, and develop future goals. Patients typically spend around 20 hours or more in treatment per week.5
- Intensive outpatient programs: Intensive outpatient programs, or IOPs, are a step down in intensity from a PHP. Outpatient settings typically offer 3-hour sessions that may become less intensive over time as client needs dissipate. IOPs usually entail between 9 and 20 treatment hours per week.6
How Much Does it Cost to Go to Rehab in Atlantic City, NJ?
Treatment cost for drug and alcohol addiction depends on several factors, including:
- Insurance: Using health insurance may cover all or part of someone’s total treatment cost.
- Inpatient vs. outpatient: Inpatient care is usually more expensive than outpatient treatment because of housing and staffing accommodations.
- Amenities: Facilities with extensive luxury amenities typically cost more than facilities without them.
- Private facility vs. government facility: Private facilities usually offer better accommodations than government facilities, and many government facilities are difficult to get into due to lengthy waiting lists.
Does Insurance Pay for Rehab in Atlantic City, NJ?
Yes, the Affordable Care Act (ACA) mandates that major insurance carriers are required to offer addiction treatment coverage. 7 In addition, the Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act (MHPAEA) requires that insurance policies cover addiction treatment services to the same extent as other healthcare services.8
That said, the level of coverage and out-of-pocket costs will vary between insurance plans.
Medicaid and Medicare also cover addiction treatment.9
How to Pay for Rehabs in Atlantic City, NJ
There are several ways to pay for rehab that can make costs more manageable, including:
- Insurance. Verify your insurance with your treatment facility to determine your out-of-pocket cost.
- Payment plans. Some drug and alcohol rehab centers are willing to set up payment plans that allow you to pay for your treatment over time.
- Sliding scale fees. Some drug and alcohol rehabs offer sliding scales for determining treatment fees, allowing your treatment cost to be determined by your financial circumstances.
- Help from family and friends. Reaching out to friends and family members for financial assistance can also help you get the care that you need.
What Addictions Are Treated at Atlantic City Rehabs?
When you’re looking for rehab in New Jersey, it makes sense to wonder whether your addiction is common and if you’ll be able to find the care that you need. Thankfully, there are addiction treatment facilities for a wide variety of addictions in Atlantic City, including:
How to Find Rehab Centers in Atlantic City, NJ?
If you’re ready to begin addiction treatment, we’re here to help. With facilities throughout the United States, we’re excited to help you begin the process of getting your life back.
Our closest facilities to Atlantic City are our AdCare Treatment Centers in Massachusetts and Rhode Island. Reach out to us today at to learn more and to allow us to help you find the treatment solution that you get sober and remain in recovery.
You can also verify your insurance coverage online by filling out the online form below.