Addiction Talk Episode 34: International Women’s Day Panel

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Addiction Talk Details
- Interviewer: Joy Sutton
- Interviewees: Marci Hopkins, Laura Cathcart Robbins, Jessica Landon
- Next Episode: Addiction Talk Episode 35: Kevin Kreider
- Previous Episode: Addiction Talk Episode 33: Irene Rollins
- Return: Back To The Addiction Talk Hub
Marci Hopkins is the award-winning TV host of “Wake Up With Marci,” a nationally syndicated talk show that is also available on Hulu and all podcast platforms. Marci experienced a troubled childhood, which included abandonment, physical and sexual abuse and a lack of safety. As an adult, to cope with the trauma she endured so early in life, Marci turned to alcohol. After hitting rock bottom, Marci made the decision to forego alcohol and work through negative coping mechanisms. A year into her recovery, she started “Wake Up With Marci” to show others that it’s possible to heal and they are not defined by their past, and in 2022, she released her book “Chaos to Clarity: Seeing the Signs and Breaking the Cycles.”
Laura is an author, freelance writer, speaker and host of the podcast “The Only One in the Room.” Laura spent years hiding her addiction from everyone in her life, including her husband and children – she hid pills in her Louboutins and arranged her withdrawals to take place between PTA meetings, baby showers and other events in her life. Eventually, she was unable to hide her addiction and subsequently sought treatment. Though her marriage ended, Laura emerged on the other side as an acclaimed writer featured in publications such as HuffPost and The Temper speaking on the topics of race, recovery and divorce, she’s the host of a popular podcast and recently released her memoir “Stash: My Life in Hiding,” which is now available everywhere.
Jessica Landon is a writer, certified resilience recovery coach, public speaker and mom. Early in her career, Jessica became what she calls a ‘nonfunctioning alcoholic.’ Her addiction, which began in her mid-20s resulted in multiple stays in mental institutions, jail time, living on the streets, nine attempts at rehab and a brain hemorrhage. After being admitted to the hospital weighing less than 80 pounds with a BAC of .503 and a blood staph infection, Jessica began her recovery journey. Today, Jessica has nearly a decade in sobriety and now focuses on helping others struggling with addiction. She’s also just completed her memoir, “Human on Fire.”
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