Resources and Guides for Alcohol Addiction
Explore our library of resources for alcohol addiction written by medical experts.

Is the Conversation Confidential When I Call a Substance Abuse Helpline? Alcohol and drug addiction hotlines are anonymous and confidential toll-free numbers that offer assistance to those struggling with substance abuse. They are staffed by trained advisors, some of whom are or were also in recovery themselves. Not only is the call confidential, but treatment […]

Spanish Version What is Alcohol Withdrawal Syndrome (AWS)? Alcohol withdrawal syndrome is a set of symptoms that occur when someone who is physically dependent upon alcohol suddenly stops drinking or drastically reduces their alcohol intake. Alcohol Withdrawal Symptoms Signs and symptoms of the various stages of alcohol withdrawal may include: Headaches. Anxiety. Tremors or shakes. […]

How is Alcohol Measured in the Body? Blood alcohol content is a measure of the amount of alcohol circulating in the bloodstream, expressed in terms of weight (milligrams) per unit of volume (milliliters), and shown as a percentage.1 It is widely assumed that the amount of alcohol in the blood reflects the amount of alcohol […]
Friends & Family

Impacts of Living with an Alcoholic Spouse An alcohol use disorder (AUD) is a chronic medical condition characterized by an inability to stop or control drinking despite health, social, or professional consequences. The impact of an AUD isn’t always limited to the one suffering from this chronic medical condition. AUDs may affect not only the […]

Symptoms of Substance Use Disorders Symptoms of a substance use disorder include:1 Using more of a substance than was originally intended. Trying to stop using or cut back on using substances, but not being able to do so. Continuing to use a substance, despite being aware that the substance causes a physical or emotional problem […]

What is an Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD)? Drinking becomes problematic when it affects a person’s life to the point where they can no longer control their alcohol use. They continue to drink despite negative impacts it has on their life. When someone’s drinking progresses to this extent, a person may have an alcohol use disorder.1 […]

Impacts of Alcoholism in Relationships As the National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence discusses, the following are some of the ways in which problem drinking affects family members, employers, colleagues, fellow students, and others: Neglect of important duties: Alcohol impairs one’s cognitive functions and physical capabilities, and this, at some point, will likely result […]

Terms such as “alcoholic,” “alcoholism,” and “alcohol abuse” are generally terms we avoid using in the articles we publish at American Addiction Centers (AAC). Stigmatizing language, like this, can create a negative bias, perpetuate the view that addiction is a moral failing—and not a medical disease—and adversely impact treatment retention. Additionally, research shows that stigma […]
Take our free, 5-minute “Am I an Alcoholic?” self-assessment below if you think you or someone you love might be struggling with an alcohol use disorder (AUD).

The Culture of Alcohol Misuse in the Military Many service members in active-duty military roles see drinking as part of their culture, and service members are more likely to misuse alcohol than civilians.1 Drinking alcohol can serve as a means to connect with fellow service members in the military. As a society, many restaurants and […]

Transition Challenges Service members transitioning from active duty to civilian life can have challenges that affect many areas of their lives. For example, while Veterans are often excited and thankful to be returning home to their loved ones, they may find it difficult to relate and connect to others who have not experienced life in […]

If you or a loved one struggle with addiction, there are lots of options in and around Dallas, Texas. So how do you know which is the best for you? You should first consult you doctor, mental healthcare provider, or an addiction care specialist to assess your situation and determine the appropriate level of care […]


What is Alcohol Addiction? Alcohol addiction, clinically referred to as an alcohol use disorder (AUD), is a medical condition characterized by an impaired ability to stop or control unhealthy alcohol use despite adverse consequences. Instances of alcohol abuse and misuse are frequently referred to as an alcohol use disorder, alcohol dependence, and alcohol addiction. This […]

Alcohol is one of the most commonly used mind-altering substances in the U.S–as well as an extremely dangerous drug.1 Excessive alcohol use can result in alcohol intoxication, alcohol poisoning, or alcohol overdose. Symptoms of alcohol poisoning include: Mental confusion and stupor. Difficulty remaining conscious. Vomiting. Seizure. Slowed or irregular breathing. Clammy skin or paleness. Slow […]

Before reading this, you have probably already asked yourself how much does rehab cost? Rehab costs can vary depending on a number of factors, but there are plenty of options for how to pay for treatment based on your particular needs. How Much Does It Cost to Go to Rehab? Treatment costs vary and are […]

Does Insurance Cover Rehab for Alcohol Misuse? Substance Use Disorders (SUD) continue to be a problem in the United States. In 2021, more than 46 million Americans aged 12 or older suffered from an SUD. Of those, 94% did not receive treatment for the disorder.1 For many, the cost of healthcare services for alcohol addiction […]