Online Alcohol & Drug Addiction Chat

2 min read · 7 sections
Sometimes talking to a person on the phone can be a daunting experience. Find out what to expect when you interact with your online addiction chat module.
What you will learn:
How to find our chat function
What to expect from the chat

What Is the Addiction Chat Used For?

American Addiction Center’s free and confidential online chat is your 24/7 resource for drug addiction, rehab, and treatment options. No phone calls, no waiting for emails – just instant access to the information you need, day or night.

Connect on your terms, wherever you are, entirely confidentially and privately. Our chat is available day or night and is accessible on any device–phone, tablet, or computer.

Who Is on the Other End of the Chat?

A virtual assistant is available to help you 24/7 through our online chat interface. But if you would like to speak to a person, our admissions navigators are also available to help you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Call us at .

Where Can I Find the Chat?

To locate the AAC chat on your mobile device, look toward the top of the screen. Underneath our phone number at the top, click on the chat icon between the American Addiction Centers logo and the magnifying glass (search function).

To locate the AAC chat on your desktop or laptop, look for the “get help” button on the righthand side of your screen. To the right of that, next to the accessibility icon, is the chat icon; it’s directly above our phone number. Click on that to open the AAC virtual assistant.

Can I Use the Chat for an Addiction Emergency?

Online chats are not designed or equipped to handle addiction-related emergencies. Do not use an online chat if you or someone you love is in crisis.

  • Call 911 right away. If you or a loved one is experiencing a medical emergency, such as overdose, or are in psychological distress, call 911 or go to the nearest emergency room. Provide clear details about the situation and the person’s condition.
  • Administer naloxone (if available). If you have access to naloxone (Narcan) and suspect an opioid overdose, administer it as directed. Naloxone can temporarily reverse the effects of an opioid overdose and may save a life. Importantly, even if you’re not sure if someone has overdosed on opioids, you can still safely administer naloxone; it won’t have an effect if the person has not used opioids.
  • Stay with the person and do not leave them alone. Monitor their condition and be prepared to provide information to emergency responders when they arrive.
  • Seek immediate medical attention even if the situation seems to improve. Withdrawal symptoms and other complications can be dangers and may require professional care.

What Can I Expect From a Drug Addiction Chat?

Once clicked, our drug addiction chat will open an in-screen chat room window. Our virtual assistant will give you three prompts:

  • I’d like to sign up for text (SMS) support. When you choose this option the virtual assistant will explain how our text support function works and provide you with a link to our sign up page.
  • I’d like to be contacted by a person. When you choose this option, the assistant will ask for your name, email address, and the best phone number to reach you. The assistant will then forward your information to our helpful and knowledgeable navigators.
  • What are the first steps to getting treatment? When you click this option, our virtual assistant will ask you which steps you’re interested in learning about: connecting with a navigator, joining a support group, finding a treatment center, or paying for treatment. Each of these options will connect you to the data you’re looking for.

Take Our Substance Abuse Self-Assessment

Take our free, 5-minute substance abuse self-assessment below if you think you or someone you love might be struggling with substance abuse. The evaluation consists of 11 yes or no questions that are intended to be used as an informational tool to assess the severity and probability of a substance use disorder. The test is free, confidential, and no personal information is needed to receive the result.

Online Addiction Recovery Meetings

Online meetings transform your screen into a virtual conference room. A designated leader, or chairperson, guides the conversation, ensuring everyone has a chance to contribute. Discussions center around a specific topic, with participants taking turns sharing their insights and perspectives in an organized manner.

American Addiction Centers strives to make your recovery journey as easy as possible by making meetings as accessible as possible. Click here to learn more about our private Facebook group, alumni app, or virtual meeting options.

Other online addiction recovery resources include:

  • In the Rooms. This resource offers an array of addiction recovery virtual meetings. Additionally, there are a number of resources for loved ones of people struggling with addiction, including Adult Children of Alcoholics (ACA) and Al-Anon meetings.
  • Online Intergroup (AA). This site offers virtual Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) meetings.
  • Virtual NA. This site offers Narcotics Anonymous (NA) meetings online and by phone.
  • Recovery on Reddit. Connect with the Reddit recovery community in a virtual hangout.

If you’re looking for specific support, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) has put together a comprehensive list of resources to help you on your recovery journey no matter where you are.

How Do I Sign Up for Addiction Treatment?

Ready to start your path to recovery? American Addiction Centers is your partner every step of the way. We offer a comprehensive range of treatment options at our facilities across the country, including detox, inpatient, outpatient, and sober living programs tailored to your individual needs.

Unsure where to begin? Our admissions navigators are available to provide personalized guidance and answer any questions you may have. Or, if you prefer, explore our admissions page at your own pace to learn more about the process.

Recovery is possible, so don’t wait. Reach out to us today.

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