Drug and Alcohol Rehab Near Boston, Massachusetts
If you or someone you love live with addiction, treatment can help you reclaim your life.
Where is Addiction Treatment Located in Boston, MA?
There are 207 drug and alcohol rehabs within 25 miles of Boston to help you or someone who love get treatment for a substance use disorder. Of those, 123 provide treatment for co-occurring substance use and mental health disorders.2
Addiction treatment centers in Boston offer various levels of care, including outpatient programs, inpatient or residential care, intensive outpatient programs (IOPs), and partial hospitalization programs (PHPs), known as day treatment. Your doctor, mental healthcare provider, or an addiction treatment specialist can help you choose the appropriate level of care for your needs.
A little farther away, in Worcester, which is about 50 miles west of Boston, American Addiction Centers’ AdCare Treatment Hospital and AdCare Outpatient Facility offer multiple levels of care, including medical detox, day treatment, IOP, standard outpatient care, and telehealth addiction treatment.
Sometimes, getting away from your immediate environment and the people, places, and situations that may trigger your substance use can be beneficial to your recovery. And there are lots of options for rehab in Massachusetts.
What is the Cost of Rehab in Boston?
The cost of rehab varies widely, but finances should not stop you from getting treatment.
Some of the factors that can affect the total cost of rehab include:
The type of facility you choose. Generally, facilities with more amenities—such as private rooms, fitness centers, and chef-prepared meals—cost more than facilities without the extras.
Level of care. Inpatient or residential care that provides 24/7 care as well as room and board is typically more expensive than an outpatient program.
Your insurance coverage. Your health insurance may cover all or part of your substance use disorder treatment. It depends on the specifics of your plan and also the provider you choose—in-network providers will mean less out-of-pocket costs for you than an out-of-network one.
Duration of treatment. Every person’s recovery journey looks different. You may begin in one level of care and transition to other levels as you progress through your recovery. Not surprising, the more time you spend in treatment, the higher the cost. However, research indicates that remaining in treatment for the entire length of time in your treatment plan yields more positive outcomes.
The treatment center you choose will estimate your out-of-pocket costs before you begin treatment and provide you all the options you have to fund this positive investment in your health.
Does Insurance Cover the Cost of Rehab in Boston?
The Affordable Care Act (ACA) expanded the reach of the Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act (MHPAEA) by requiring coverage of substance use and mental health insurance benefits as part of the essential health benefits mandate. Before the ACA was passed in 2010, insurance carriers were not required to include substance use disorder coverage in their care plans.3
In the Boston area, just over 80% of the alcohol and drug rehab facilities take private health insurance, 67% accept Medicare, 85% take Medicaid, 71% accept state-financed health insurance other than Medicaid, and 47% accept federal military insurance, like TRICARE.2
AdCare facilities, located in Worcester, accept a wide variety of private (non-government) insurance plans, including Aetna, Optum/United Healthcare, Blue Cross Blue Shield/Anthem, Cigna, Humana, and more. It also accepts Medicare.
If you are not using insurance to help cover the cost of treatment, AdCare accepts Visa, Mastercard, American Express, and Discover credit cards to help you pay for your care. Additionally, based on your situation, financing and other flexible payment options may be available to you.
Can I Go to Rehab Without Insurance?
If you’re living with substance use disorder and do not have health insurance, you’re not alone, and there are other ways to pay for the care you need.
Some people, who need help paying for treatment, ask friends or family for loans. Or they apply for loans through banks or lending companies that specialize in loans for substance use treatment.
For others, sliding fee scales—in which the facility determines your treatment cost based on your income and other factors—may be an option. Additionally, many treatment centers offer payment plans, self-pay options, and financial assistance to help you get treatment.
There are also several free resources in Boston to aid you in your recovery journey, including:
311 Hotline and App. The 3-1-1 Recovery Services provides confidential referrals for substance use treatment and recovery services to Boston residents 24/7.
Alcoholics Anonymous Central Service Committee of Eastern Mass. The Boston-area chapter of AA has more than 100 weekly meetings occurring throughout the day—even late into the night—and welcomes those struggling with alcohol use and addiction.
The Engagement Center. The Engagement Center offers individuals navigating homelessness and substance use access to resources; engagement in recovery, behavioral health, and homeless services; and nursing care and medical support.
Entre Familia. The 6- to 12-month residential substance use treatment program offers bilingual and bicultural, gender-specific substance use disorder treatment and recovery services to pregnant and postpartum women and their children. Services provided include clinical screenings, assessments, referrals to medical and mental health services, residential care, case management, childcare services, and more. To be eligible for the program, women must be at least 18 years old and a Massachusetts resident.
National Alliance on Mental Illness—Greater Boston. The NAMI Greater Boston chapter offers a free, 8-week peer-to-peer recovery-focused program. Additionally, there are other support groups for those living with a mental illness as well as programs and groups designed to help family members and caregivers navigate the best way to help and support a loved one with a mental illness.
New England Region of Narcotics Anonymous. The New England Region of NA serves Boston individuals in recovery from substance addiction. Meetings are offered daily at multiple times.
Providing Access to Addictions Treatment, Hope, and Support (PAATHS). The PAATHS program provides referrals to individuals and families, who are looking for information about access to detox, medications for addiction treatment, and outpatient treatment programs in the Greater Boston area. PAATHS also connects individuals to overdose prevention and risk reduction services.
Project Trust Boston. Project TRUST helps individuals, who are actively struggling with substance use, access addiction treatment resources, get harm reduction education and supplies, and navigate primary care and urgent care services.
The Massachusetts Substance Use Helpline. The statewide helpline aids individuals in confidentially finding substance use harm reduction, treatment, and recovery services 24/7.
What Substance Addictions Do Boston Rehabs Treat?
Some treatment facilities offer care for specific types of addiction, while others cater to individuals living with any substance use disorder. Rehab facilities in and around Boston treat a wide range of addictions, including:2
While these are some of the most common substances used by people who are seeking treatment for substance use disorder, the above list is by no means exhaustive.
At AAC, we treat addiction to a wide variety of substances and offer co-occurring disorder treatment for individuals diagnosed with a substance use and mental health disorder.
Types of Addiction Treatment Offered in Boston
No two cases of substance use disorder are the same, and you should find the treatment that works best for your individual needs.
As previously mentioned, there are several different levels of care and many of the treatment facilities in and around Boston offer multiple levels of care, including:2,4
- Medical detox. Medical detox allows your body to safely get rid of drugs and alcohol in the system while under the supervision of a medical professional, who can prescribe medications to ease withdrawal symptoms and keep you as comfortable as possible as you stabilize.
- Inpatient or residential care. During inpatient care, you’ll live at the facility and have access to 24/7 support. Inpatient care typically involves a combination of individual and group counseling, psychoeducation, medications (if necessary), and behavioral therapies to help you understand the thoughts, emotions, and behaviors that lead to your substance use and teach you coping skills to help you identify triggers, manage stressors, and prevent relapse.
- Outpatient treatment. Outpatient treatment looks nearly identical to inpatient and residential care in terms of services offered, but instead of staying at the facility, you return home or to a sober living environment at the end of each day. There are different levels of outpatient care—each of which vary in intensity and length of time in treatment.
- Sober living. Sober living facilities provide you with a safe, substance-free residence that helps you transition from the highly structured treatment environment back to your everyday routine.
- Telehealth treatment. More and more facilities offer telehealth services, which allow you to participate in individual and group counseling and therapy sessions remotely. In the Boston area, there are 163 substance use facilities offering telehealth services.
To determine the appropriate level of care for you or a loved one, you should seek guidance from your primary care physician, mental healthcare provider, or an addiction treatment specialist. These professionals can perform a thorough assessment, which will inform the best treatment plan for you. In many cases, treatment plans involve multiple levels of care as you progress through recovery.
How to Find Rehab Centers in Boston
Choosing a rehab facility can be a tough decision, as there are many different options in Boston and surrounding areas. You’ll need to ask questions to choose the rehab facility that’s the best fit for you. There are several factors to consider when choosing the right rehab for your needs, including:5
- Licensing and accreditations. It’s important to make sure that the facility you choose is licensed by the state, accredited by CARF and the Joint Commissions, and employs licensed rehabilitation doctors, therapists, and counselors.5
- Available therapeutic modalities. Ask about the interventions used to treat substance use disorders. You want to ensure that the facility is utilizing evidence-based therapies such as cognitive-behavioral therapy or motivational interviewing, for instance.
- Insurance. Ask the facilities you’re considering to verify your insurance so that you understand the specifics of what’s covered and your out-of-pocket costs.
- Amenities. Some facilities offer equine therapy, wilderness therapy, fitness classes, meditation, yoga, and more. If certain amenities are important to you, it may help you narrow your options.
- Specific mental or physical health needs. If you have a co-occurring condition, it’s important to choose a facility that takes an integrated approach to care for both disorders, meaning the disorders are treated simultaneously.
We know that you have options when it comes to addiction treatment. At AAC, our caring, compassionate team is here to provide the treatment you need for sustained sobriety. Call today to speak to one of our knowledgeable admissions navigators, who can listen to your story, explain your options, answer your questions, and help you start you recovery journey at one of our AdCare facilities in Worcester or elsewhere.