Orange County Drug and Alcohol Rehab Treatment Centers
Where Can I Find Drug and Alcohol Rehabs in Orange County, CA?
In Orange County, California, there are 184 substance use treatment centers, and there are even more if you look at the number of facilities located within 25 miles of some of the county’s cities. For instance, there are 233 substance use facilities within 25 miles of Irvine, 270 within the same distance from Santa Ana, and 266 within 25 miles of Huntington Beach.1 Suffice to say, there is no shortage of substance use treatment centers in the area.
American Addiction Centers’ (AAC) Laguna Treatment Center, is a facility that provides fully integrated hospital-based detox and inpatient residential rehab, in Aliso Viejo. To learn more about your treatment options and to find resources to get you on the road to recovery, give us a call at .
Types of Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Orange County
Orange County offers a wide range of addiction treatment options, from short-term programs to outpatient care. Find the perfect fit for your recovery journey, no matter where you’re starting from.
Medically Supervised Detox
Detox, sometimes referred to as medically managed withdrawal, is a managed process that helps you overcome the physical challenges of quitting drugs or alcohol and can lay the groundwork for longer term treatment. Breaking free from drugs or alcohol can be challenging, but detox helps you do it safely and comfortably.
Inpatient Addiction Treatment
Inpatient rehab, sometimes referred to as residential treatment, provides a structured and supportive environment for overcoming addiction. Through individual and group counseling, complementary therapies like yoga and meditation, and round-the-clock care, you’ll develop the tools and skills needed to thrive in recovery.
Outpatient Addiction Treatment
There is a wide range of outpatient rehab options that offer flexible treatment choices and comprehensive addiction-focused healthcare.
- Partial Hospitalization Program (PHP). PHP, also known as day treatment, provides a high level of care with a structured daily schedule, but without requiring overnight stays. It’s a great option for those who need intensive support while maintaining some independence.
- Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP). IOP gives you the structure and support of a more intensive program, without requiring you to live at a rehab center. It’s a great option for those who need more focused care but want to stay connected to their work, family, and responsibilities.
- Outpatient Treatment. Outpatient rehab allows you to receive treatment for substance use disorders while continuing your daily life. It’s a flexible option that can help you balance recovery with work, school, or family responsibilities
How Do I Choose the Best Rehab in Orange County?
If you or a loved one struggle with substance misuse, it’s best to make an appointment with your primary care physician, mental healthcare provider, or other addiction treatment specialist, who can perform a thorough assessment and inform the best level of care to suit your needs. From there, you’ll want to find a treatment center that provides the appropriate level of care and also meets your other specific needs. Some things to consider and ask include:
- When can you get an appointment to be evaluated?
- Does the facility take your specific insurance plan? AAC, which is in-network with several major insurance providers, can verify your insurance if you fill in the form below.
- If you’re choosing not to use insurance to cover the cost of all or most of your treatment, what other forms of payment does the treatment facility accept?
- Does the rehab treat co-occurring substance use and mental health disorders?
- What evidence-based therapies does the facility utilize?
- What accreditations does the treatment center have?
Does Insurance Cover Rehab in Orange County?
Yes, many Orange County drug rehab centers accept health insurance plans, and many health insurance plans cover inpatient and outpatient drug and alcohol use treatment in Orange County. The specifics of what’s covered varies depending on the provider, the plan, and other factors.
In Orange County, 160 substance use treatment centers accept private health insurance, 8 take Medicare, 21 accept Medicaid, 31 accept a state-financed health insurance plan other than Medicaid, and 77 take federal military insurance.
If you don’t have insurance or choose not to use it to pay for rehab, there are other rehab payment options, including cash or self-payment, payment plans, paying with a credit or debit card, sliding fee scale, or crowdfunding.
To understand your options, you can call our knowledgeable and compassionate admissions navigators, who can listen to your story, answer your questions, explain your treatment options, verify your insurance, and help you begin your recovery today.
Orange County Addiction Statistics and Other Resources
Some of the key Orange County statistics include:2,3
- Cities along the coastal and southern regions of Orange County had higher rates of drug- or alcohol-related hospitalizations and deaths than other cities between 2018 and 2020.
- In 2020, drug and alcohol overdoses and poisonings resulted in over 1,000 deaths.
- When looking at all substances involved in drug- and alcohol-related deaths in Orange County, alcohol and opioids were the most frequently present.
- Between 2017 and 2021, there was an 86% increase in opioid-related overdose and poisoning emergency department visits.
- There was a 45% increase in the number of deaths involving opioids from 2019-2020.
- Of the 1,516 opioid-related emergency department visits in Orange County in 2021, 623 involved synthetic opioids, like fentanyl.
- There were 743 opioid-involved overdose deaths in Orange County in 2021. Of those, 711 of those deaths were accidental.
Orange County Rehab Admissions Process
While all treatment facilities have their own procedures in place, most admissions processes include some sort of over-the-phone evaluation. From there, you’ll have to decide how you want to pay for treatment, which should be considered an investment in your health or that of a loved one.
Based on the initial evaluation, medical history, substance use, co-occurring mental health disorders, and any other unique needs, the treatment team develops a customized treatment plan for you or a loved one. Treatment may involve a combination of levels of care, including medical detox, a partial hospitalization program (PHP), an intensive outpatient program (IOP), residential inpatient care, and follow-up aftercare.
Depending on the facility, travel arrangements may be made for you. Every facility has rules about what can and cannot be brought to rehab. You can read all about what to expect—including what to pack—during treatment at Laguna Hospital or any of AAC’s facilities.