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Concerta Addiction: Signs, Effects, and Treatment
Mar 22, 2017

Keep reading to learn more about Concerta, its effects, its potential dangers, and how to get help if you struggle with Concerta misuse or addiction. What Is Concerta and What Is it Prescribed to Treat? The central nervous system (CNS) stimulant, Concerta, or methylphenidate, is primarily used to treat ADHD and comes in an oral […]

ADHD and Addiction  
Dec 28, 2016

The condition known as hyperkinetic reaction of childhood first appeared in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) in 1968 (2nd edition), though reports of the related symptoms date back to the late 1700s. The third edition of the DSM, published by the American Psychiatric Association in 1980, changed the term to ADD […]

Ritalin Addiction: Side Effects, Signs of Withdrawal & Overdose
Sep 15, 2016

What is Ritalin Addiction Treatment? Ritalin is a prescription stimulant prescribed for conditions such as ADHD, but it is abused by teens and adults seeking a high. Physical, psychological, and behavioral signs of Ritalin addiction include: Low appetite Irritability Anxiety Rapid heart rate Dehydration Suspiciousness Depression Panic attacks Asking other people for their Ritalin pills […]

Signs and Risks of Snorting Adderall
Mar 2, 2016

Adderall is a prescription stimulant drug used to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, or ADHD. It may also be regularly abused as a “study drug” to enhance focus and increase wakefulness; as a “crash diet drug” for its appetite-suppressing effects; and recreationally as a “party drug” for the heightened euphoria, energy, and excitability it can promote. […]

Modafinil Uses, Side Effects & Addiction Treatment
Dec 2, 2015

Modafinil is a central nervous system (CNS) stimulant medication used primarily to help people remain awake, combat fatigue, and increase concentration. It is an eugeroic medication, which means it is wakefulness-promoting agent. As a stimulant, it is not as powerful as amphetamine, but it does produce similar effects to the more potent stimulants, only at a […]

Adderall Side Effects, Risks & Dangers of Use
Oct 26, 2015

What is Adderall? Adderall is the brand name of the drug amphetamine-dextroamphetamine, a prescription medication primarily used to treat symptoms of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, or ADHD, by enhancing concentration and focus levels. It is commonly abused as a weight loss drug, study drug, or recreationally as a party drug as well. Adderall Statistics The […]

Adderall Addiction Treatment: Detox, Rehab, and Aftercare
Oct 26, 2015

Read on to identify the symptoms of both Adderall addiction and withdrawal from Adderall, and learn more about Adderall detox insights and rehab options. What is Adderall? While Adderall is a prescription amphetamine, which is a type of central nervous system (CNS) stimulant that’s often used to treat ADHD, it’s also a Schedule II drug […]

Adderall Addiction: Signs, Effects, and Treatment
Oct 26, 2015

What is Adderall? Adderall is a prescription amphetamine, which is a type of central nervous system (CNS) stimulant.3 It’s commonly used in the treatment of ADHD, a mental health condition that includes hyperactive-impulsive and/or inattention symptoms.1 When used as prescribed for ADHD, Adderall can reduce symptoms, resulting in improved focus and attention.4 However, Adderall is […]

Adderall Effects, Risks, and Dangers: Short and Long Term
Oct 16, 2015

Learn more about Adderall’s impact via this deep dive into Adderall’s myriad effects and the dangers associated with its use. What is Adderall? Adderall is a potent amphetamine, which is a type of stimulant that arouses the body’s central nervous system (CNS) into a more wakeful or active state.4 For those with ADHD, a condition […]

Ritalin Addiction: Signs, Effects, and Treatment
Sep 17, 2015

If you or a loved one misuses Ritalin, it’s helpful to learn more about Ritalin addiction. Read on to discover insights about this prescription stimulant, the signs of Ritalin abuse and dependence, and why it’s important to seek treatment for Ritalin misuse. What is Ritalin? Ritalin is a brand name for the generic drug methylphenidate […]

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