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Substance-Induced Anxiety: Signs and Treatment Options
Sep 12, 2024

Anxiety disorders are mental health conditions in which people experience prolonged anxiety that interferes with their ability to function in daily life.1 Normative levels of worry or anxiety are a part of life as people encounter stressful situations, but are not usually crippling or constant. Unlike anxiety disorders, substance-induced anxiety is a phenomenon that can […]

Eating Disorders and Substance Addiction: The Importance of Simultaneous Treatment for Co-Occurring Disorders
Jan 23, 2024

Substance use disorders (SUDs) often go hand in hand with mental health disorders—such as depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), etc. There’s even a term for the simultaneous existence of these two conditions: co-occurring disorder.1 However, some people fail to realize that eating disorders such as anorexia nervosa, binge eating, etc. are mental health issues. […]

Dual Diagnosis Rehab Treatment Centers in Florida
May 11, 2022

Effective or co-occurring disorder treatment takes an integrated approach, addressing substance use and mental health disorders simultaneously. This means recognizing that these conditions often intertwine and influence each other, requiring a comprehensive treatment plan that considers the whole person, not just their individual diagnoses. By addressing both mental health and substance use concerns in a […]

Antidepressant Death Awareness Month
Oct 28, 2021

Many individuals in the United States struggle with depression and anxiety. As a result, many of those who have  been appropriately diagnosed by a licensed therapist, or some other licensed medical professional, have been prescribed antidepressants in an effort to curtail the symptoms. And with October being Antidepressant Death Awareness Month, this is a great […]

Childhood Trauma and Substance Misuse
May 17, 2021

Myriad factors can lead people to use and ultimately misuse substances. However, childhood trauma appears to be a key factor related to substance use disorders. Childhood trauma can stem from any number of things, but some causes include neglect along with physical, sexual, and emotional abuse. These traumatic experiences can make the individual more susceptible […]

Effective Techniques for Managing Social Anxiety
Apr 9, 2021

Living with an anxiety disorder can be incredibly disruptive and negatively impact your quality of life. Social anxiety is a type of anxiety disorder where an individual will feel anxiety or an intense fear about situations that could involve feeling scrutinized, judged, evaluated, or where they might meet new people. This fear can be so […]

Amidst the Pandemic Mental Health Ratings Drop
Jan 1, 2021

Let’s face it; 2020 hasn’t been a particularly good year by any metric. For Americans, having to contend with the first pandemic in nearly a century, routine protests, and a stressful election season has taken a toll on mental health ratings. Reports of mental health and wellness have dropped nearly nine points since 2019, the […]

Pros and Cons of Animal-Assisted Therapy
Dec 18, 2020

Most of us would agree that the presence of an animal can improve one’s mood and relieve feelings of loneliness. But when it comes to treating serious mental health issues such as addiction and co-occurring psychological disorders, even the most ardent animal lovers might be skeptical about how helpful our four-legged friends can be. Nevertheless, […]

A Novel and Abuse-Deterrent Medication for Anxiety Disorders: VistaGen PH94B
Dec 16, 2020

As with all forms of anxiety, social anxiety disorder (SAD) can destroy our ability to connect with others. Oftentimes, anxiety can lead us to believe that we’re “different”, “too much”, or “not enough”. Someone with SAD may feel extreme fear or anxiety in social situations and feel uncomfortable meeting new people or simply having a […]

Tips to Overcome Addiction During COVID-19
Oct 7, 2020

These are difficult and unprecedented times. The added stress of a global pandemic, subsequent financial strains, and the fact that there are so few outside distractions available compounds the difficulty of staying in recovery. Here are a few suggestions on how to maintain sobriety during the COVID-19 outbreak. Managing Mental Health During the COVID-19 Pandemic […]

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