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Substance-Induced Anxiety: Signs and Treatment Options
Sep 12, 2024

Anxiety disorders are mental health conditions in which people experience prolonged anxiety that interferes with their ability to function in daily life.1 Normative levels of worry or anxiety are a part of life as people encounter stressful situations, but are not usually crippling or constant. Unlike anxiety disorders, substance-induced anxiety is a phenomenon that can […]

What Do Different Drugs Smell Like? A Guide to Drugs by Smell
Jul 13, 2022

Many things can cause you to suspect that your loved one is using drugs. You might start to notice changes in their behavior, mood, physical appearance, or even pick up on a strange or unfamiliar scent. Whether someone vapes, smokes, or uses drugs in another way, these substances often have a distinct smell. This guide […]

How Meth Affects the Female Body
Jul 23, 2019

Articles in the media show that use of crystal meth by young adult females has seen a steady increase in recent years.1 Also increasing is the number of young women facing depression. Meth provides an easy way to cope with these unwanted feelings as it provides a euphoric sensation and decreases inhibitions – but this […]

Oxycodone Side Effects & Dangers of Misuse
Aug 2, 2018

Oxycodone is a prescription painkiller that has significant misuse potential.1 In this article, we will discuss oxycodone misuse, its dangers, oxycodone addiction, and how to get help if you or someone you love needs it. What is Oxycodone? Oxycodone is a narcotic, prescription medication that’s used to alleviate pain. This opioid drug is made from […]

Risks, Dangers, and Effects of Alcohol on the Body
Oct 18, 2017

Although alcohol can make a person feel happy, pleasant, and sociable in short periods of time, excessive or chronic, long-term drinking can lead to alcohol dependence or alcohol addiction, officially referred to as an alcohol use disorder. Chronic alcohol use is also associated with other cognitive and mental health issues, including problems with learning or […]

Crystal Meth Side Effects: Short- and Long-Term Effects of Crystal Meth
May 1, 2017

Crystal meth is a common name for an illicitly manufactured, often colorless, and odorless form of d-methamphetamine.1 This synthetic stimulant is a Schedule II controlled substance, which means that it is highly addictive with a high potential for misuse and limited medical use (of pharmaceutical formulations of methamphetamine).2 Among individuals aged 12 and older, 0.9% […]

Long-Term Side Effects of Cocaine on the Brain & Body
Apr 27, 2017

Long-term abuse of cocaine can cause a myriad of physical problems. Sometimes, it is possible to reverse the damage done to the body through cocaine or crack cocaine abuse; however, years of abuse may cause irreversible effects. Treating chronic problems leads to a lifetime of medical complications, hospital and doctor visits, and medical bills. It […]

Hydrocodone Side Effects: Lightheadedness, Constipation, and More
Apr 26, 2017

What is Hydrocodone? Hydrocodone, an semisynthetic opioid medication comes in tablet form—in a variety of doses—to be taken orally.1 It is often found in combination with acetaminophen or ibuprofen. Although hydrocodone can be beneficial when taken as directed under a physician’s supervision, as a Schedule II narcotic, under the Controlled Substances Act, it has a […]

Short and Long-Term Effects of Methadone Treatment
Apr 26, 2017

What Is Methadone? Methadone is a long-acting opioid agonist that’s regularly used as a maintenance treatment for opioid use disorders (OUDs) and as an opioid withdrawal medication.1,2 Like other opioids, methadone works by activating opioid receptors in the brain. But due to its more gradual impact on these receptors, methadone effects typically don’t include the […]

Long-Term Effects of PCP Abuse
Apr 20, 2017

What is PCP? Originally developed as a surgical anesthetic in the 1950s, phencyclidine (PCP) can act as a depressant, stimulant, or hallucinogen. It is most often found as a crystalline white, off-white, or yellowish powder, although it can sometimes be found in capsule or pill form, masquerading as a black market prescription drug. PCP is […]

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