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International Overdose Awareness Day
Jul 29, 2024

What Is International Overdose Awareness Day? Every year on August 31st, communities worldwide unite to observe International Overdose Awareness Day. It’s a time to remember the lives lost to drug overdose, support those affected by addiction, and raise awareness about this critical public health crisis. But it’s not just a day of sorrow; it’s a […]

Substance Misuse and Pregnant Women
Mar 28, 2024

Judging, shaming, and stigmatizing individuals are proven to be ineffective approaches for healthy, productive, and lasting change. Instead, they serve as proverbial weapons that tear at the core of an already-fragile human condition—a condition that strives to be valued, to matter, and to be loved. Pregnant women are no exception. A woman battling substance misuse […]

Therapy Dogs, Addiction, and Mental Health
Sep 26, 2023

Full of unconditional love, dogs really can be man’s best friend. Humans have long realized the ways in which dogs can be helpful. Even from the earliest interactions, humans and dogs shared common goals, including avoiding predators and finding food. More recently, dogs have taken on important roles in therapeutic and educational settings.1 And dogs […]

Substance Misuse and Overdose Deaths are on the Rise
Aug 30, 2023

Startling Statistics About Substance Misuse and Overdose Deaths The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) releases monthly provisional counts for drug overdose deaths each month. For the 12-month period ending in March 2023, there were 105,224 drug overdose deaths reported in the United States.1 Unfortunately, overdoses have become the leading injury-related cause of death […]

Why Do People Relapse?
Jul 20, 2023

What is a Drug or Alcohol Relapse—and How is It Different from a Lapse? A relapse—which is often called a “recurrence” or a “return to substance use”—is simply an instance of substance use that occurs following a significant period of abstinence.1 When someone experiences a relapse, they may return to the same level of use […]

Is it Ever too Late to get Sober?
Oct 13, 2022

No. If you’re struggling with alcohol use disorder or substance use disorder and want to walk along the road to recovery, the path is available with the help of a supportive team. Although sobriety is a continual process, and often a choice that the individual usually makes on their own, treatment can save their life. […]

What is the Impact of Bullying?
Sep 22, 2022

Bullying isn’t an isolated event that one can just “get over” as they grow up. Instead, bullying tends to have both a short and long-term impact on the lives of so many. This includes the individual getting bullied, the bully, those witnessing the event, and those individuals who are both the bully and who get […]

Addiction & Rehab 101
Aug 26, 2022

Millions of Americans struggle with a substance use disorder. In fact, addiction statistics compiled in 2020 show that among people 12 years old or older in the United States:1 3 million (14.5%) struggled with a substance use disorder in the past year. Alcohol use disorder (AUD) was the most common addiction, with around 28.3 million (10.2%) people struggling […]

Depression, Substance Misuse & Success
Aug 26, 2022

Success tends to be inaccurately equated with perfection. The truth is it comes only after walking a path riddled with countless obstacles and failures by a flawed individual known as the human being. And it doesn’t matter which endeavor one chooses to pursue—engineering, medicine, or professional sports—we all travel along a path and none of […]

Can the Pandemic Cause Depression?
Mar 24, 2022

The pandemic has wreaked havoc on the entire world for the last two years. Economically, politically, socially, and the obvious attack, on our physical health itself. Who would’ve guessed that a virus could cause the level of destruction in the way that it has? Although, for some, the pandemic has served as a time of […]

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