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Many things can cause you to suspect that your loved one is using drugs. You might start to notice changes in their behavior, mood, physical appearance, or even pick up on a strange or unfamiliar scent. Whether someone vapes, smokes, or uses drugs in another way, these substances often have a distinct smell. This guide […]
Substance Abuse Insurance Laws Insurance regulations treat mental health and substance abuse services as essential health benefits. Affordable Care Act (ACA): The ACA, also referred to as Obamacare, made affordable health insurance available to people through tax credits that lower the cost of premiums for people within 100%–400% of the federal poverty level.1 The ACA […]
How Prevalent is Addiction Among Artists? It is difficult to say exactly what percentage of artists suffer from addiction, as there is a lack of substance use prevalence data specific to artists. We can, however, get a good indication of how artists are affected by addiction by looking at the arts and entertainment industry as […]
Study Background American Addiction Centers surveyed 1,042 Americans on their perceptions surrounding addiction rehabilitation. We found that across the states, attitudes vary regarding: Perceived likelihood to achieve sobriety. The role of relapse in treatment and recovery. How necessary it is that an individual receives treatment. Relapse as a Natural Part of the Addiction Recovery Process […]
Perceived Problematic Frequency of Use Frequency of use for un-prescribed marijuana was the most controversial, with opinions differing between addiction status, regions, and age. In fact, it was the only substance that the regions did not agree about when it came to problematic frequency of use. 2 demographics were most polarized in their views on […]
The demanding nature of law enforcement, with its unique culture and constant exposure to stress and trauma, can contribute to unhealthy coping mechanisms, such as alcohol overuse. Officers often face immense pressure, and finding healthy ways to manage these stressors is crucial for their well-being. How Common is Substance Use Within the Police Force? High-stress […]