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Startling Statistics About Substance Misuse and Overdose Deaths The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) releases monthly provisional counts for drug overdose deaths each month. For the 12-month period ending in March 2023, there were 105,224 drug overdose deaths reported in the United States.1 Unfortunately, overdoses have become the leading injury-related cause of death […]
The following self-assessment is meant for educational purposes only. It is not intended to be used to self-diagnose any condition. Only a licensed healthcare professional can give a complete substance use assessment and diagnosis. Instead, this questionnaire is designed to assist you with examining your behaviors and the nature of your cocaine use or the […]
What is Denial in Addiction? The American Psychological Association (APA) defines denial as an involuntary “defense mechanism” that aims to ignore negative or unpleasant thoughts or feelings.1 In terms of substance use disorders, denial and “lack of awareness” are commonly seen among people during their early stages of recovery from substance use disorders, and they often […]
The Queen’s Gambit Every evening, the girls at Methuen Orphanage in Kentucky line up to receive two pills – green and red. These vitamins, so they are told, are good for you. Hurry up and take them. However, a long-time resident, Jolene, advises Beth Harmon, the main character, to veer from this rule. Pretend to […]
As part of the LGBTQ+ community, being proud of who you are and how you stand in this world is liberating. And one of the underlying reasons why that liberation is so significant and why there is a celebration of pride is due to a time when so many felt too ashamed to simply be […]
The following self-assessment is meant for educational purposes only. It is not intended to be used to self-diagnose any condition. Only a licensed healthcare professional can give a complete substance use assessment and diagnosis. Instead, this questionnaire is designed to assist you with examining your behaviors and the nature of your substance use or the […]
Crystal meth is a common name for an illicitly manufactured, often colorless, and odorless form of d-methamphetamine.1 This synthetic stimulant is a Schedule II controlled substance, which means that it is highly addictive with a high potential for misuse and limited medical use (of pharmaceutical formulations of methamphetamine).2 Among individuals aged 12 and older, 0.9% […]
What is Marijuana? Marijuana is a botanically-derived drug composed of the dried leaves, stems, seeds, and flowers of the Cannabis sativa or Cannabis indica plant.2 Colloquially referred to as pot, weed, herb, grass, bid, ganja, and Mary Jane, among others, marijuana is used in a variety of ways.2,3 Some individuals smoke it in hand-rolled cigarettes […]
Meth Withdrawal Symptoms Methamphetamine withdrawal can cause different acute and post-acute symptoms in different people. The severity and duration of meth withdrawal symptoms can vary based on different factors, such as someone’s route of administration, dose, drug purity, level of intoxication, their previous experience with withdrawal, the duration they used meth, their history of meth […]
What Is Marijuana? Marijuana is a mind-altering substance derived from the flower of the Cannabis sativa plant.2 It is a greenish-gray mixture of dried flowers that goes by several other names, including cannabis, weed, pot, Mary Jane, bud, grass, herb, and ganja.2 In the United States, marijuana is classified as a Schedule I substance because […]