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Do Benzodiazepines Cause a High or Euphoria?
Mar 17, 2017

Benzodiazepines are a type of prescription drug commonly prescribed to treat mental health disorders like anxiety and insomnia. These medications interact directly with mental pathways that affect an individual’s reward and memory responses, providing a sedative effect. However, when these medications work in the brain, they also cause a mild to moderate sense of euphoria […]

Halcion Withdrawal Symptoms, Timeline & Detox Treatment
Dec 28, 2016

Halcion Withdrawal Symptoms As RxList notes, the following are some of the most commonly reported Halcion withdrawal symptoms: Changes in perception Dysphoria Insomnia Vomiting Seizures (particularly in people with a history of seizures) Tremors Convulsions Sweating Muscle cramps Abdominal cramping Like tolerance, withdrawal is a natural biological process and a hallmark of physical dependence or […]

Halcion Addiction Treatment
Dec 28, 2016

The drug works very quickly after taking it and does not remain in the system very long. The half-life of Halcion is around 1.5-3 hours in most individuals. Benzodiazepines are typically prescribed to control anxiety, to control seizures, as muscle relaxants, as aides for sleep, and as preanesthetic drugs, meaning that they can be given […]

Valium Addiction Symptoms
Sep 15, 2016

Signs and Symptoms Valium addiction symptoms will eventually emerge if a person is abusing this benzodiazepine drug. Some of the most common physical, psychological, and behavioral tipoffs of Valium addiction are: Pounding heart Dry mouth Nervousness Delusions of wellbeing Paranoia Suicidal thoughts Traveling long distances to fill prescriptions Getting prescriptions from different doctors Losing a job […]

Ativan Addiction Symptoms
Sep 14, 2016

Summary Ativan addiction symptoms typically emerge after regular abuse or during withdrawal. The following are some of the reported psychological, biological, and behavioral signs and symptoms of Ativan misuse: Drowsiness Labored breathing Blurred vision Muscle pain or stiffness Constipation Searching the Internet for Ativan Confusion Asking friends, family, neighbors, or coworkers for their Ativan tablets In […]

Klonopin Addiction: Symptoms and Signs of Abuse
Sep 13, 2016

Klonopin, the trade name for the generic drug clonazepam, is a long-acting medication used to treat anxiety, seizures, and other health conditions. Within the drug classification system, Klonopin is a benzodiazepine, and benzodiazepines (benzos) carry a significant potential for abuse. For this reason, it is especially important for any individual who takes Klonopin to know […]

Benzodiazepine Addiction: Symptoms & Signs of Dependence
Sep 13, 2016

Benzodiazepines belong to the prescription sedative class of drugs. Although benzodiazepines have a calming effect, they are highly addictive, and a person who abuses them faces a host of symptoms. Some of the physical, psychological, and behavioral symptoms of benzodiazepine abuse include: Weakness Blurred vision Drowsiness Poor judgment or thinking Doctor shopping Asking friends, family, […]

Xanax Abuse: Symptoms and Signs of Addiction
Sep 13, 2016

It is a benzodiazepine, which means that it has a sedative effect; it is also categorized as a tranquilizer or anxiolytic. Xanax is indicated for the medical treatment of panic disorders, anxiety disorders, and anxiety that is caused by depression. However, Xanax is also a drug of abuse with high addiction potential. When Xanax abuse […]

Dangers of Snorting, Smoking, or Injecting Xanax
Jun 8, 2016

Xanax, the trade name for the drug alprazolam, is a common medication of the benzodiazepine (benzo) class used to treat anxiety and panic disorders. It may also be used with other drugs to control the nausea associated with chemotherapy. It’s often referred to as a tranquilizer due to its calming and relaxing effects, as it […]

How Long Does Valium Stay in Your System?
May 5, 2016

It can also be used to calm and sedate people prior to surgery or other invasive medical procedures. This drug is a very effective medication and considered important to medical establishments in general. However, benzodiazepines can be abused, and they can be addictive, eventually leading to serious health problems if taken for a long enough […]

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