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The successful treatment of a substance use disorder involves a multidimensional approach that can include the use of medications, therapy, mutual-help groups, family support, and other interventions. Although many different religions and schools of philosophy have different conceptualizations of the cause and resolution of issues with substance misuse, the overall effectiveness of the treatment for […]
The difference between spirituality and religion is often blurred and difficult to distinguish. Even research studies that attempt to assess the contribution of spirituality to recovery from substance use disorders often find that the terms are not well defined. The major difference between the notion of spirituality and a religion is that religion concentrates on […]
Islamic law seeks to protect the belief in Allah by promoting life, the maintenance of property, and the maintenance of a healthy state of mind. The Islamic view of the use of drugs or alcohol is quite clear that drugs or alcohol should be avoided (with some reservations for the use of wine).1 Substance Use […]
Approximately 14 million people practice Judaism worldwide. Jewish people believe that there is only one God who created the universe and that God is in control of the universe (monotheism). God is spiritual, not physical.1 The Foundation of Judaism The foundation of Judaism is the Torah, sometimes referred to as the Pentateuch or as the […]
Religious belief has often been a topic of discussion in counseling and therapy, as to whether it can provide patients with a foundation for better mental health. The same dynamic has been examined in substance use rehabilitation, and many faith systems have models for providing patients with a structure for healing and self-improvement. This guide […]
Many people who are dealing with drug or alcohol addiction seek spiritual support while trying to detox and recover from drugs or alcohol. For people who identify as Christians, there are several addiction treatment programs available that place focus on providing spiritual guidance as a cornerstone in their overall program structure. What Is Christian or […]