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Can You Reverse Alcohol Damage? Reversing the Effects of Alcohol
Aug 2, 2018

What Happens When You Drink Alcohol Every Day? Daily alcohol consumption does not necessarily mean that an individual will develop an alcohol addiction. However, binge drinking or excessive alcohol consumption—defined as 5 or more drinks per day or 15 drinks per week for men and 4 or more drinks per day or 8 drinks per […]

Alcohol and Insomnia: How Alcohol Affects Sleep
Jul 30, 2018

What is Insomnia? When a person’s sleep is poor, they are at an increased risk for numerous health problems including diabetes, heart disease, depression, and obesity.1  Some people choose to unwind before bed with alcohol, which can act as a sedative that slows down brain activity.2 However, the research suggests that alcohol consumption generally has […]

Long-Term Effects of Drug and Alcohol Addiction
Jun 19, 2017

Long-Term Effects of Alcohol Addiction Excessive alcohol use—which includes binge drinking, heavy drinking (8 or more drinks per week for women and 15 or more drinks per week for men), and any alcohol use by a pregnant woman—can negatively impact the entire body and even lead to death.2 The long-term adverse effects of alcohol on […]

Impact of Drug Use on Oral Health: Drugs That Cause Dental Problems
Apr 18, 2017

How Does Drug Misuse Affect Oral Health? Substance misuse can negatively affect multiple systems of the body, including everything from the cardiovascular and respiratory systems to reproductive, digestive, and musculoskeletal systems. Not surprisingly, then, a host of oral and dental health issues are associated with substances ranging from cocaine and methamphetamine to alcohol and marijuana.1,2 […]

Alcohol and Anxiety: Does Alcohol Cause Anxiety and Panic Attacks?
Apr 14, 2017

What is Anxiety Disorder? Most people experience anxiety at some point in their lives. In fact, anxiety is a normal (and a very human) response to a fearful situation or a stressor, such as the way you might feel before a doctor’s appointment or before an exam. In a perfect world, feelings of anxiety would […]

Marijuana Abuse and PTSD
Apr 13, 2017

What is PTSD? Post-traumatic stress disorder, or PTSD, is a type of anxiety disorder triggered by a traumatic experience. Causes of PTSD include: The first month after the traumatic event, symptoms are associated with acute stress disorder (ASD). The person displays three or more symptoms: When these symptoms persist or develop after the first month, […]

How Do Drugs and Alcohol Affect the Brain and Central Nervous System?
Apr 4, 2017

What Do Alcohol and Drugs Do to Your Brain? In simplest terms, the brain comprises a network of neurons to process and transmit information. Drugs and alcohol can interfere with the way these brain cells function, altering the way they send, receive, and process signals.1 Alcohol and/or drug use—including heavy and chronic use as well […]

Depression, Anger, and Addiction: The Role of Emotions in Recovery and Treatment
Mar 17, 2017

How Do Emotions Affect Addiction? When you feel happy, you are more likely to feel positive and make healthier or more constructive choices; whereas, if you feel negative, you may be more inclined to engage in negative behaviors and make poorer choices. People who experience mental wellness can cope with stress and make better decisions; […]

ADHD and Addiction  
Dec 28, 2016

The condition known as hyperkinetic reaction of childhood first appeared in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) in 1968 (2nd edition), though reports of the related symptoms date back to the late 1700s. The third edition of the DSM, published by the American Psychiatric Association in 1980, changed the term to ADD […]

Narcolepsy & Substance Abuse
Sep 16, 2016

Symptoms of Narcolepsy People with narcolepsy experience issues with daytime and nighttime sleeping that are associated with disturbances in REM sleep (rapid eye movement). The most common symptoms of narcolepsy include: Excessive daytime sleepiness (EDS): Individuals with narcolepsy experience daytime sleepiness in excess of what would be described as just being tired or fatigued. This […]

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