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National Impaired Driving Prevention Month

Each year, thousands of Americans die in auto collisions caused by impaired driving, making it one the leading causes of preventable death on U.S. roadways.1 The approaching holiday season is one of the most dangerous times to be on the road. National Impaired Driving Prevention Month, which is observed in December, seeks to raise awareness […]

Help for Parents Who Are Enabling Addiction (Tough Love vs Enabling)
Apr 26, 2019

What is Enabling? The Definition Enabling means the family or friends of an addicted person help that person continue their addiction, often by not allowing that person to experience the consequences of their addiction. Enabling can be spending money on a person with an addiction or buying them things that allow them to spend more […]

AAC Treatment Centers Host Town Halls on Underage Drinking
Apr 16, 2019

Although national studies show that underage alcohol use has steadily declined since 2002, there were still 7.4 million drinkers between the ages of 12 and 20 in 2017.1 With this in mind, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration is leveraging Alcohol Awareness Month in April and National Prevention Week May 12-18 to bring […]

Drug Overdose Deaths from Fentanyl Soar
Apr 5, 2019

In April 2016, rock legend Prince, suffering from intense hip pain, consumed a Vicodin for relief. Shortly afterward, he overdosed and died at his Paisley Park estate. Investigators determined that the pill was counterfeit and laced with fentanyl and that Prince, in all likelihood, did not know it. That incident brought attention to fentanyl on […]

The FDA Calls for Just the Facts about Opioids…Finally
Mar 26, 2019

Well, the time has come at long last; the Federal Drug Administration (FDA) has stepped in to the opioid epidemic arena. And it did so by prescribing firm action regarding opioid research. The agency issued a mandate that applies to all manufacturers of opioid drugs. It requires them to conduct long-term studies for one express […]

OxyContin Maker Exploring Bankruptcy in Wake of 2,000+ Lawsuits
Mar 12, 2019

Oh, the pain….whether it comes from an accident, surgery, or other cause, the narcotic painkiller du jour prescribed by doctors far and wide was OxyContin. Available legally by prescription, this substance came on the market in 1996 from its maker, Purdue Pharma. And when it did, an aggressive sales and marketing strategy touted its benefits. […]

4 Successful Strategies For Fighting the Opioid Epidemic From Around the U.S.
Mar 12, 2019

At first glance, the opioid epidemic seems like an insurmountable problem. According to the CDC, over 70,000 people died of drug overdoses in 2017, nearly 50,000 of which were opioid related. Meanwhile, a recent SAMHSA survey found that nearly 20 million people struggled with some form substance use disorder (SUD) in 2018. And yet, there […]

Safe Dosing: Coming to a Site Near You?
Feb 27, 2019

They’re called supervised injection sites (SIS). You may know them by other terms too. These include drug consumption facilities (DCF), fix rooms, medically supervised injection centers (MSIC), safe injection sites, safer injection facilities (SIF), and overdose prevention sites.  Although their names may differ, they function the same way. They provide a service – actually, a […]

Life-Saving Overdose Reversal Drug Just Got a Major Price Hike
Feb 15, 2019

The opioid epidemic is perhaps the worst public health crisis the U.S. has ever endured. Each year, tens of thousands of individuals die of opioid-related overdoses, while millions more suffer from addiction. To win the war against opioids, the country needs every weapon in its arsenal. Unfortunately, one of the most effective weapons in that […]

Romancing the Drink
Jan 2, 2019

We look back, us alcoholics, far more often than we look ahead. The past is where the fun is, the excitement and the nostalgia. We see things the way they used to be, and wish we could recapture that magic, even one more time. So we chase it, and drink, and look into our glass […]

Giving Yourself the Gift of Sobriety
Oct 31, 2018

Deciding to stop doing whatever it is you have become addicted to is great. I decided to stop drinking pretty much right after I started. It only took me twenty-five years to get up the courage to actually do it. I lived in denial, created chaos and may have sabotaged a bright future by waiting. […]

AAC Upgrades Recovery Community Websites
Oct 3, 2018

American Addiction Centers (“AAC”), a leading operator of addiction treatment facilities across the United States, today announced rebranding and content enhancements to its recovery community websites, including,, and The website upgrades include website logo and page redesigns that further highlight AAC’s primary business of operating treatment facilities across the United States, […]

Is Comparison Killing Your Recovery? Learn How to Break Free Now
Aug 8, 2018

It is human nature to compare yourself to others, especially people you respect, who you feel have some form of control over their lives, and who seem to have it all. For some, this comparison process is healthy. It encourages self-assessment, inspires new ideas and options, and encourages healthy competition that motivates persistence and progress. […]

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