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September Is National Recovery Month

What Is National Recovery Month? In the United States, National Recovery Month is observed in September. While in the past, each year focused on a new theme, the permanent, overarching theme going forward is “Every Person. Every Family. Every Community.” The goal is to raise understanding of the disease of addiction, reduce stigma attached to […]

What to Do in a Mental Health Crisis
Aug 19, 2024

If You Are in Crisis, Seek Help Immediately! Someone experiencing a mental health crisis requires immediate help. Information is the most important component in dealing with a mental health crisis, but people often do not know where to turn. If you or someone else are experiencing a mental health crisis, you can: Call 911. Call […]

International Overdose Awareness Day
Jul 29, 2024

What Is International Overdose Awareness Day? Every year on August 31st, communities worldwide unite to observe International Overdose Awareness Day. It’s a time to remember the lives lost to drug overdose, support those affected by addiction, and raise awareness about this critical public health crisis. But it’s not just a day of sorrow; it’s a […]

Tips to Overcome Shame and Guilt in Recovery
Jul 23, 2024

Guilt and shame in recovery are common feelings for many people as they examine the impact their addiction has had on themselves and those around them.1  As you rebuild and repair relationships and your life, you should know that it can be very helpful to your recovery to know how to navigate these emotions.1 The […]

Does Depersonalization/Derealization Disorder Cause Drug or Alcohol Abuse?
Jul 17, 2024

Depersonalization/derealization disorder is a mental health disorder in which a person feels detached from their own body, mental processes, or surroundings.1 Temporary episodes of depersonalization/derealization are common in the general population. However, the disorder only occurs in about 2% of the population, and affects men and women equally.1 Though there are not many published research […]

July 25th is National Hire a Veteran Day
Jul 15, 2024

On July 25th, we commemorate National Hire a Veteran Day, a day dedicated to recognizing the invaluable skills and experiences that Veterans bring to the workforce. Honed through service to our country, Veterans possess highly desirable qualities such as leadership, discipline, teamwork, and problem-solving abilities—invaluable assets in any industry. As these brave men and women […]

July is Minority Mental Health Awareness Month
Jun 17, 2024

Mental Health in the United States Mental health includes our emotional, psychological, and social well-being, and taking care of it is as important as taking care of your physical health. Did you know that more than 1 in 5 adults, aged 18 or older, in the United States live with a mental illness? That’s nearly […]

Meth Street Names, Nicknames, and Slang Terms
Jun 6, 2024

Understanding Methamphetamine Illegal methamphetamine is created in meth labs by combining a number of harsh chemicals like household cleaners and ingredients common in powerful cough medicines. Due to the ease of obtaining these ingredients, homemade meth became a massive problem in rural America, resulting in widespread addiction, a rash of overdose cases, and incidents of […]

How Meth Affects the Female Body
Jun 6, 2024

Articles in the media show that use of crystal meth by young adult females has seen a steady increase in recent years.1 Also increasing is the number of young women facing depression. Meth provides an easy way to cope with these unwanted feelings as it provides a euphoric sensation and decreases inhibitions – but this […]

Crystal Meth Use in the Gay Community
Jun 6, 2024

Crystal meth remains a popular drug in the young LGBTQ community because users mistakenly believe it can enhance their experiences and help them have fun. The statistics on crystal meth use in the gay community are worrisome. In some parts of the country, this drug caused havoc among the gay population, especially in major metropolitan […]

Is There a Difference between Concerta and Ritalin?
May 9, 2024

Central nervous stimulants, like Concerta and Ritalin, have been prescribed for decades to help treat the effects of ADHD in adolescents and adults. Many people wonder “is there a difference between Concerta and Ritalin?” Read on to learn more about these medications, how they work, and what to do if you or someone you love […]

Meth Addiction: Facts, Statistics & How Meth Changes You
May 9, 2024

Meth Facts & Statistics Methamphetamine, or meth, is a powerful and addictive stimulant drug. The National Treatment Episode Data Set (TEDS) reports that in 2014 approximately 53 people per 100,000 were receiving care at a specialized addiction treatment facility for issues involving methamphetamine. As of 2021, around 6 percent of the American population (aged 12 […]

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