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Tips to Overcome Shame and Guilt in Recovery

Guilt and shame in recovery are common feelings for many people as they examine the impact their addiction has had on themselves and those around them.1  As you rebuild and repair relationships and your life, you should know that it can be very helpful to your recovery to know how to navigate these emotions.1 The […]

Struggling with a Higher Power          
May 18, 2017

The basis of a twelve step program is the acceptance of a power greater than ourselves to restore us to sanity. Seven of the twelve steps directly mention God as we understand him. Nowhere do the twelve steps acknowledge a person’s own strength and conviction as the power behind the motivation to get sober. That […]

How Long To Reverse Effects of Alcohol Abuse?
May 17, 2017

According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), the most frequently occurring substance use disorder is alcohol use disorder. Long-term use or abuse of alcohol has been empirically demonstrated to be associated with many different types of negative health issues and damage to numerous organ systems in the body. Volumes of studies […]

12 Questions About the 12-Steps: Do I have to talk? 
Apr 26, 2017

  If you go to a 12-Step meeting, do you have to talk? The short answer is no. You will never be forced to share. If you are asked, you can decline. Not sharing at your first (or first few) meetings is fine and normal! It gives you time to feel comfortable and get acquainted […]

Art Therapy: Create To Recover
Apr 26, 2017

  “The aim of art is to represent not the outward appearance of things, but their inward significance.” –Aristotle Although people have benefited from art therapy for a long time, it’s become a more well-known term in the past few years. Visit any bookstore or arts and crafts store, and you will see a wide […]

12 Questions About the 12-Steps: AA Membership
Apr 3, 2017

  How do you join AA or another 12-Step group? It’s simple. You just show up. Seriously, that’s it. You go to an Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) meeting. There are no speeches, dues, or paperwork to sign. You don’t have to take a pledge or provide your personal information. You won’t receive a membership card or […]

12 Questions about 12 Steps: Finding an AA Meeting Near Me
Feb 7, 2017

Alcoholism is a chronic condition. Recovery requires ongoing work. Even after leaving the treatment center, it’s important to have a support system in place to keep you focused on recovery. Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), which pioneered the 12-Step program model, can provide the support system you need. The meetings provide a safe place to connect with […]

Ask James: What to tell folks at home after rehab?
Jan 11, 2017

James Krah, the clinical director at American Addiction Centers’ Desert Hope Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP), helps people new in recovery engage with the 12-Step program. Solid engagement with the process, Krah believes, will increase the chances for a smooth transition out of treatment. Leading in-house 12-Step groups, Krah fields countless questions. His responses usually show […]

5 Questions to Ask When Your Spouse Struggles with Addiction
Dec 7, 2016

Living with Your Spouse’s Addiction May Be Giving You PTSD When the person you care about and count on seems lost in a burning desire to drink or take other substances, it can wreak destruction on your emotional health. Have no doubt, you are being impacted physically and psychologically, and the effects can be long […]

12 Questions about 12 Steps – #3, “I’m not religious, is AA for me?”
Nov 21, 2016

12-Step programs, which are, after 80 years, still a foundational component of many treatment programs for addiction, have come under fire of late. Over 12 months, we are trying to unpack the discussion in a helpful way with the help of “James.”James Krah is a licensed drug and alcohol counselor at American Addiction Centers where he serves […]

Traci is Far From Finished: A Mother’s Redemption
Nov 2, 2016

To hear Traci tell her recovery story, check out both Part 1 and Part 2 of her Far From Finished podcast episode. Far From Finished is a podcast series that shares the unfiltered, real-life stories of people in recovery. Please join us every Monday as we introduce a brand new episode of Far From Finished. […]

Training to Run a Marathon: A Metaphor for Recovery
Nov 2, 2016

  Those with eating disorders at risk for substance abuse As a young person, Angela Quadrani struggled with bulimia nervosa – bingeing and purging. “I liked that because I could physically control what was going in and going out,” Quadrani explains. The purging aspect of bulimia means that those afflicted tend to exhibit a “normal” […]

Can You Forgive Your Father for His Addiction?
Sep 5, 2016

The concept of “Fatherhood” does not mean the same thing for all families. For many adult kids of dads who lived with addiction, fatherhood is a somewhat bitter, if not embarrassing, word that refers to a man who has been more invested in drinking or getting high than in his kids. Too often, a father’s […]

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