American Addiction Centers Blog
Does Popular Weight Loss & Diabetes Drug Semaglutide (Ozempic, Wegovy) Reduce Alcohol Cravings?
March 28, 2025
Ozempic, Wegovy, Mounjaro—regardless of the brand name you recognize, semaglutide has firmly established itself in the current health conversation. From trending social media posts to mainstream news reports, a fascinating pattern has emerged among individuals using this medication for weight loss or diabetes: an unexpected side effect — their cravings for alcohol seemed to decrease. […]
Did you know that heavy drinking over time—or even too much on one occasion—can damage your heart? Alcohol misuse can lead to strokes even in people without pre-existing heart disease. It can also contribute to high blood pressure, impact heart rate, and cause alcohol-associated cardiomyopathy, a disease of the heart muscle that makes it harder […]
How Racism Impacts Health and Treatment Among Black People Over the last several years, there has been increasing evidence indicating that structural factors are the fundamental cause of health inequities, which result in poor health outcomes among racial and ethnic minorities. Black people as well as other racial and ethnic minorities with a substance use […]
Substance use disorders (SUDs) often go hand in hand with mental health disorders—such as depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), etc. There’s even a term for the simultaneous existence of these two conditions: co-occurring disorder.1 However, some people fail to realize that eating disorders such as anorexia nervosa, binge eating, etc. are mental health issues. […]
What is a High-Functioning Alcoholic? While some of the criteria used to diagnose an AUD include an inability to control drinking even after it has caused issues at their job or in their personal life, someone who is a “high-functioning alcoholic” may not demonstrate this diagnostic criteria. However, they may meet other criteria that leads […]
A History of the ‘Dry Drunk’ The term dry drunk syndrome was originally coined by the creators of the 12-Step program, Alcoholics Anonymous. Author R.J. Solberg defined the term in his 1970 book, The Dry Drunk Syndrome, as “the presence of actions and attitudes that characterized the alcoholic prior to recovery.” Someone struggling with dry […]
Blurred Lines: 1 in 5 Americans admit lying to their doctor about how much alcohol they consume. Half of drinkers would ignore their doctor’s advice to cut down their alcohol intake. Men are more likely to lie about their drinking than women. Infographic included on why not to lie about your drinking habits. It’s no […]
What Is Alcohol Use Disorder? According to the 2022 National Survey on Drug Use and Health, approximately 29.5 million people, aged 12 or older, had a diagnosable alcohol use disorder.1 In 2022, more men than women had an alcohol use disorder—almost 17.4 million men compared to 12.2 million women. Additionally, 753,0000 adolescents—aged 12-17—had an alcohol use […]
What is Alcohol Moderation Management? Alcohol moderation management is a form of harm reduction for those struggling with the consequences of alcohol use and who do not have an alcoholism issue. Alcohol moderation is not the same as alcohol abstinence. Those who suffer from drinking problems, in general, do not respond well to a one-size-fits-all […]
Social media is an undeniably powerful force of our modern culture. From geopolitical governance to trending makeup tutorials, social media has been proven able to shape, shift, and shake our collective consciousness. When it comes to recovery-oriented or sober lifestyles, social media has increasingly become a beacon for many–both for “sober curious” individuals and those […]
Launched in 2006 by then President George W. Bush, National Methamphetamine Awareness Day is observed annually on Nov. 30 as part of an effort to educate the public about the effects and dangers of meth. But given the overabundance of national days, including everything from National Cereal Day (March 7th) to Hagfish Day (celebrated the […]
Some of us may have heard the urban legend about razor blades being hidden in candy apples on Halloween, and some of us are old enough to remember our parents checking every piece of candy to make sure there weren’t razor blades hidden in our loot. Now, parents don’t worry about sharp objects in their […]
The holidays aren’t just filled with parties, Santa, and Aunt Betty’s famous fudge. They’re also jam-packed with time-strapped travel, stress, and high expectations. And for those in recovery, the holidays can also come with a stocking full of triggers, including people, places, and events that present both the opportunity and the lure to return to […]