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Why Seek Addiction Treatment During Thanksgiving?
Oct 24, 2023

Why is Thanksgiving the perfect time for rehab? For those struggling with addiction, treatment is the best gift you can give yourself, as few things can change your life as much or as quickly as sobriety. And when it comes to treatment, now—regardless of the time of year—is the best time to start. That’s the […]

It’s Not All Fiction: 3 Series Show Substance Use for Real
Sep 21, 2021

The Queen’s Gambit Every evening, the girls at Methuen Orphanage in Kentucky line up to receive two pills – green and red. These vitamins, so they are told, are good for you. Hurry up and take them. However, a long-time resident, Jolene, advises Beth Harmon, the main character, to veer from this rule. Pretend to […]

Behind Bars and Addicted: Benefits of Treatment
Jun 25, 2021

In the new non-fiction book The Second Chance Club, all seven of the parolees profiled, who revolve in and out of lock up in New Orleans, suffer from a substance use disorder (SUD). Is that the norm, the prevalence of drug addiction in the U.S. jail and prison population? The percentage is difficult to pinpoint. […]

Veterans with Mental Health Challenges are Combating the Stigma
Jun 17, 2021

It takes courage to serve one’s country. And it takes courage to be willing to sacrifice one’s life in the name of service. The impact of the experiences on the battlefield in foreign lands is a weight that’s all too heavy for most. It’s not the temporary burdens of carrying physical objects that are the […]

The NFL, Stress, and Substance Use
Jun 11, 2021

For some, the initial draw of being a professional athlete may be the fame, fortune, and attention. For others, it may be a life-long dream. Regardless of the motivations to play on that level, the entryway to get there isn’t free. Oftentimes, the sacrifices made can be quite pricey, even when an individual surpasses the […]

Childhood Trauma and Substance Misuse
May 17, 2021

Myriad factors can lead people to use and ultimately misuse substances. However, childhood trauma appears to be a key factor related to substance use disorders. Childhood trauma can stem from any number of things, but some causes include neglect along with physical, sexual, and emotional abuse. These traumatic experiences can make the individual more susceptible […]

Teens, Drugs, and the Pandemic
Mar 4, 2021

It’s been roughly a year since COVID made its debut in the United States, and at this point, many are experiencing pandemic fatigue. Specifically, the mental health of teens and adolescents is being tested. Place drugs or alcohol in the mix, and it’s a recipe for angst and tragedy. Sadly, in early February 2021, Dr. […]

5 Reasons to get Drug Treatment During the Holidays
Dec 17, 2020

The holidays stir up different emotions for everyone. For those struggling with a substance use disorder, this time of year may serve as a trigger, create anxiety, or even a panic. This is all the better reason to get drug treatment during the holidays. Substance abuse is the habitual behavior of using a substance in […]

Biden, Criminal Justice Reform, and Substance Abuse
Nov 20, 2020

Criminal justice reform as it relates to the production, distribution, and substance abuse, was an important issue during the 2020 presidential election. Although it might’ve taken a back seat to the pandemic, the economy, and social issues, it still managed to be part of the conversation. Substance use disorders continue to be a battle that […]

What a Joe Biden Presidency Could Mean for Cannabis Users
Nov 17, 2020

What does a Biden win mean for drug policy in the United States, specifically regarding cannabis? President-elect Biden’s stance on marijuana over the last 30+ years has evolved. And although his earlier positions on the subject may vary from where he stands now, how will his current proposals impact the sale of marijuana, its medicinal […]

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